Drama Kings Don’t Date Goth Girls, Between Shadow and Flame, and The Illusion of a Girl: Discounted Young Adult eBooks
Drama Kings Don’t Date Goth Girls (Oak Grove High Book 4) ($4.99) by KE Strand: Tess is the new girl at Oak Grove High since escaping her parents’ controlling clutches to come live with her aunt. When she learns she’ll face her parents at her aunt’s wedding, she turns to Kellen, the school’s drama king, for a double dose of goth-shock. But her acting skills are called into play when she starts falling for him.
This deal is good on March 28, 2023
Between Shadow and Flame (Guthanderaz Book 1) ($3.99) by C.T. Bryce: A gothic young adult novel with a casually queer main character. David discovers his mother burning a letter from the estranged family she’s been hiding him from. Tired of running and desperate for connection, he tracks them down. What awaits is a fog-shrouded castle full of strangers, secrets, and shadows.
This deal is good on March 28, 2023
The Illusion of a Girl (The Illusion Book 1) ($2.99) by LeeAnn Werner: Stay vigilant, act normal and be ready to run is the mantra Jessie Taylor, 15, lives by. She and her brother Brian, struggle bravely together as they fight to survive their violent father. Werner brings a strong, confident voice to a difficult subject. Readers will feel the truth in Jessie’s raw emotions and experiences. This gripping tale will enthrall fans of unsettling psychological thrillers.
This deal is good on March 28, 2023