Life Skills, Adulting, and Hacks: Discounted Young Adult eBooks
88 Life-Changing High School Hacks (A Sur-Thrival Guide™) ($1.99) by Derek T Freeman: Don’t let the title fool you – reducing this wisdom to mere “hacks” would be a massive disservice. Author Freeman‘s sophomore effort delivers a “profoundly inspired resource” from a heart of gold – and the magic only escalates as it progresses! This book promises to be a rare investment for your teen, and the return will pay for years to come.
This deal is good on July 24, 2023
Essential Life Skills For High Schoolers ($3.99) by R ROBINSON: This book serves as a trusted companion, offering invaluable advice and guidance on navigating the complexities of adolescence and preparing for the future. Packed with actionable strategies and real-life examples, it covers a wide range of crucial life skills.
This deal is good on July 24, 2023
LIFE SKILLS FOR TEENS WITH AUTISM ($3.99) by V GODFREY: This book invites you to live your usual life in the most effective way possible. As early as now, you can prepare your teens for the real world… so they will be equipped to shape a bright future and transition into adulthood with greater confidence.
This deal is good on July 24, 2023
Essential Adulting Life Skills for Teens ($3.99) by V Godfrey: Life skills enable you to solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, and form healthy relationships… allowing you to enjoy all the fun of being a teenager while still being perfectly prepared for adulthood.
This deal is good on July 24, 2023