GILM!: Everybody’s Saying It and Ever the Same: Discounted Young Adult eBooks
GILM!: Everybody’s Saying It ($4.99) by Brian Corley: Geoff might be a little more comfortable with a guitar in his hands than with a conversation. However, a mysterious book might be instrumental in winning an impossible bet with his crush. Suddenly, his low-key life hits a high note as the cursed melody weaves its magic through the school. The world becomes a stage, and the students its actors.
This deal is good on February 12, 2024
Ever the Same ($0.99) by Michelle Wishner: Sam thinks her life is over when her parents tell her the family is moving weeks before school starts. Conner has a great life. He is captain of the school’s hockey team, dating a cheerleader, and ready to breeze through his senior year. Ever the Same takes you on a journey of friendship and love that you won’t be able to put down.
This deal is good on February 12, 2024