Sell more books with a Bargain Booksy Feature

Sell more books with a Bargain Booksy Feature.

If you are planning to discount your book (or if your book is already priced between $0.99 and $5), the Bargain Booksy Feature is for you. With over 395,000 registered users a Bargain Booksy feature can help you to drive sales of your book, find a new audience of readers, generate reviews for your book, and improve your book rank on retail sites.


Genre List Size Price
Mystery Sub Genres
Thriller 288,000 $65 Purchase →
Cozy Mystery 236,000 $65 Purchase →
Mystery 343,000 $65 Purchase →
Thriller / Mystery / Cozy Deal of the Day 639,000 – 911,000 $170 Purchase →
Romance Sub Genres
Romantic Suspense 252,000 $80 Purchase →
Steamy Contemporary Romance 213,000 $90 Purchase →
Sweet Contemporary Romance 228,000 $80 Purchase →
Paranormal Romance 192,000 $80 Purchase →
Historical Romance 217,000 $75 Purchase →
Romantic Comedy 33,000 $60 Purchase →
Erotic Romance 145,000 $80 Purchase →
Romance Deal of the Day 412,000 – 695,000 $240 Purchase →
Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Horror
Fantasy / Paranormal 217,000 $45 Purchase →
Fantasy Deal of the Day 558,000 $100 Purchase →
Science Fiction 167,000 $40 Purchase →
Science Fiction Deal of the Day 420,000 $95 Purchase →
LitRPG 23,000 $20 Purchase →
Horror 115,000 $25 Purchase →
Cookbook and Nutrition 107,000 $30 Purchase →
Self Help and How To 137,000 $35 Purchase →
General Nonfiction 115,000 $30 Purchase →
History 35,000 $35 Purchase →
Kids and Teens
Children 64,000 $20 Purchase →
Young Adult 134,000 $25 Purchase →
Literature / Religion / Travel
Literary Fiction 196,000 $30 Purchase →
Historical Fiction 80,000 $35 Purchase →
Western 36,000 $35 Purchase →
Black Literature 41,000 $20 Purchase →
Religion / Spirituality 123,000 $25 Purchase →
Travel 126,000 $25 Purchase →
LGBTQ 40,000 $20 Purchase →
Limelight Dedicated Email Promo
All Genres Varies by Genre $500 Purchase →

Pricing effective 1/25/2023 and subject to change. Actual numbers may vary based on users’ frequency preferences.

Not sure which genre to choose? Take a quick look at our genre guide to help you figure it out. Need help booking a feature? Read How to Promote Your Book with Bargain Booksy.

Your Feature On Bargain Booksy Includes:


Your Book in our Daily Email 

  • We’ll send your book to Kindle readers who have expressed an interest in your genre our biggest genres are almost 120,000 subscribers!
  • Our email subscribers get excited about every email we send, so you’re sure to see a boost in sales from the minute the email hits our readers’ inboxes.

A Feature on BargainBooksy.com

  • Your book will be front and center on BargainBooksy.com. We’ll link to your book on Kindle, Kobo, Apple, and Nook.
  • A short description will entice readers to purchase. If you’d like to call out something specific in the description (for instance if it’s an award-winning book or bestseller), just include that in your form notes.
  • Your book will be featured in a post with other books in your genre.

Also Available from Bargain Booksy:

Readers’ List – A Monthly Themed Listicle Feature

Each month, our readers receive a selection of discounted eBooks centered around a theme or topic. These titles are featured on a search optimized page, and reach readers across genres, allowing authors to reach audiences beyond our genre specific, daily email features. Explore upcoming themes and secure your place in a future Readers’ List newsletter today!

Learn More

Powerful enough for publishers, affordable enough for every author

Major publishing houses like Harper Collins, Harlequin, and Penquin Random House use Bargain Booksy for promotion… what are you waiting for?

Proud Member of the Alliance of Independent Authors

Customer Testimonials

“When I looked on 7/4 at my sales rankings on Amazon, they were around 5,000 overall and in the top 40 of my 3 main genre categories.  From the time my book went live on your site until 9 a.m. Pacific, my overall ranking on Amazon went down to 599 and I’m ranked #2 in my 3 main genre categories.  I’m so excited at the great results and the day is still young!”

Karen Baney, author of A Life Restored

My book is selling a lot today. Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.

Alretha Thomas, author and playwright

I’ve been using both Freebooksy and Bargain Booksy for some time and am always pleased with the results. Currently, I am running a countdown deal for the first volume of my series, The Platte River Waltz. I purchased a one day Bargain Booksy promo in the middle of the promotion and almost instantly saw my results jump. Without the promotion my ‘compared to prior week’ percentage was 527% of prior average sales. With Saturday’s bargainbooksy promo the percentage nearly quintupled to 2509 % by the end of the promo day. Sales in the $1.99 tier have exceeded the last, unadvertised promotion in raw numbers by the time I was only 29 of 54 hours in.. At the moment my book is on the front page in the countdown listings in both historical fiction (7th) and historical romance (3rd). The book ranked as high as 2,261in overall sales at Amazon. I cracked the top 100 in three different genres. The numbers don’t lie. Money well spent, says I.

Ken Consaul, author of The Platte River Waltz


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