If you are planning to discount your book (or if your book is already priced between $0.99 and $5), then a Bargain Booksy promo is for you. With over 798,000 registered users, a Bargain Booksy promo can help you drive sales of your book, find a new audience of readers, generate reviews for your book, and improve your book rank on retail sites.
Not sure where to start? That's okay! We’ve made it easy by bundling together the best promos in various genres.
We’ll send your book to readers who have expressed an interest in your genre and you’ll see a boost in sales from the minute the email hits reader inboxes
2. Your book on bargainbooksy.com
Your book will be included on our website with a short description to entice readers to purchase. Your book will be featured in a post that may be with other books in your genre
“From the time my book went live on your site until 9 a.m. Pacific, my overall ranking on Amazon went down to 599 and I’m ranked #2 in my 3 main genre categories. I’m so excited at the great results and the day is still young!”
“My book is selling a lot today. Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.“
“Bargain Booksy promotions have been the most effective option for bringing new readers to my backlist. Thanks so much for simplifying the promo process.”
"I purchased a one day Bargain Booksy promo in the middle of the promotion and almost instantly saw my results jump."
“From the time my book went live on your site until 9 a.m. Pacific, my overall ranking on Amazon went down to 599 and I’m ranked #2 in my 3 main genre categories. I’m so excited at the great results and the day is still young!”
“My book is selling a lot today. Whatever you are doing, keep doing it.“
“Bargain Booksy promotions have been the most effective option for bringing new readers to my backlist. Thanks so much for simplifying the promo process.”
"I purchased a one day Bargain Booksy promo in the middle of the promotion and almost instantly saw my results jump."