
Cybersecurity, Developing Confidence, Promising Relationships, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

Don't Give Two Sh*ts: Navigating the Modern World’s Insanity by Focusing on What Matters on Kindle

Don’t Give Two Sh*ts: Navigating the Modern World’s Insanity by Focusing on What Matters ($3.99) by Ralph K. Jones: There are two groups of people, those who stress for the right reasons and those who stress for the wrong reasons. Those who stress for the wrong reasons suffer. Those who stress for the right reasons only experience pain temporarily, and they evolve stronger after the pain is gone. Don’t Give Two Sh*ts is the book that will teach you how to stress over the things you need to stress over.

This deal is good on January 1, 2023


Digital Transformation in the Electronics Industry on Kindle

Digital Transformation in the Electronics Industry ($1.99) by Casimir Saternos: This book reflects the business challenges we have observed repeatedly, along with the best processes, resources, and tools to help companies in their journey. We have equipped many organizations in the Electronics Industry to benefit from digital transformation, and we continue to transform ourselves through these partnerships.

This deal is good on January 1, 2023


33 Ways Not To Screw Up Cybersecurity on Kindle

33 Ways Not To Screw Up Cybersecurity ($4.99) by Dawn Kristy: In the award-winning 33 WAYS NOT TO SCREW UP CYBERSECURITY, author Dawn Kristy, JD, CEO of The Cyber Dawn, LLC, provides scenarios and checklists to help you and your team be cyber-savvy. During twelve years in the cyber risk and insurance trenches, Dawn has helped dozens of businesses find their “way” to become cyber-secure. There is hope.

This deal is good on January 1, 2023


Developing Confidence Within: Awakening your True Being on Kindle

Developing Confidence Within: Awakening your True Being ($2.99) by Jon Caranganee: Need Confidence in life whether it’s with a woman, man, your job, or other relatable areas in your life. Today is the day to make that change and become something much more. So what are you waiting for?

This deal is good on January 1, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books

Loving Promises: The Master Class for Creating Magnificent Relationship on Kindle

Loving Promises: The Master Class for Creating Magnificent Relationship ($2.99) by Richard Matzkin: Richard Matzkin has discovered 39 Loving Promises, each a pledge to yourself that are the behavioral components of a deep, abiding love. These promises are insights into how you transform your relationship into a long and successful one. Matzkin proves his theories using his three-decades-long marriage to research a genuinely loving partnership.

This deal is good on January 1, 2023


MANisfesto: A Call for Men to Become Warriors for Kindness on Kindle

MANisfesto: A Call for Men to Become Warriors for Kindness ($2.99) by Richard Matzkin: Richard Matzkin calls to his fellow men to open their eyes, realize their responsibility, and do something about the incidences of rape, crime, torture, and terrorism done mostly at the hands of men. By maintaining silent in the face of cruelty and not protesting, men are colluding. They must open themselves to love, or remain part of the problem.

This deal is good on January 1, 2023


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