
Warrior King and Searching for Home: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Warrior King (Egypt's Golden Age Chronicles Book 1) on Kindle

Warrior King (Egypt’s Golden Age Chronicles Book 1) ($0.99) by Lauren Lee Merewether: With treachery and betrayal, power and glory, this mother’s tale of love and sacrifice will transport you back to the Dynasty that propelled the once-called Kemet out of the hands of foreign kings and into a golden age of Ancient Egypt. If you loved Michelle Moran’s “Nefertiti,” you will adore Merewether’s “Warrior King.” Grab your copy today.

This deal is good on June 6, 2023


Searching for Home on Kindle

Searching for Home ($3.99) by Margaret G. Hanna: New Release: Mary Appleton emigrates to western Canada in 1912 and faces every immigrant’s dilemma: where is home? Her heart is still in England but her life is now in Canada. She returns to England in 1952, and what she learns surprises her. The author’s maternal grandmother’s story.

This deal is good on June 6, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo

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Where The Cricket Sings and Bowery Girl: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Where The Cricket Sings on Kindle

Where The Cricket Sings ($0.99) by D T Murphy: In 1930s Spain, Luken and Miren pay the price for standing up to naked authoritarianism: exile and refuge. And even though the pursuing forces and influences of Fascism have not gone away, their liberal spirit and mettle drives them to create a new life. However, the civil wartime consequences are still in the wings, waiting to pounce.

This deal is good on June 5, 2023


Bowery Girl on Kindle

Bowery Girl ($0.99) by Kim Taylor Blakemore: New York, 1883: Pickpocket Mollie Flynn must use her wits to survive the streets, and hang on to her dream of a better life. “Gang violence, raucous carousing, accidental pregnancy, and crime – not what most will expect from Victorian-era historical fiction. But that’s exactly what they’ll find in this tightly plotted novel…” – Booklist

This deal is good on June 5, 2023


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The Crimson Child and Lucia’s War: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

The Crimson Child (Empire of Shadows Book 2) on Kindle

The Crimson Child (Empire of Shadows Book 2) ($0.99) by R.N. Morris: 1880. St Petersburg. A shocking crime, committed in broad daylight against a respected member of the establishment, strikes terror at the heart of the city. Magistrate Pavel Pavlovich Virginsky must find a way to infiltrate a group of disaffected reactionaries with whom the dead man was associated. Virginsky uncovers a dark history in which the crimes of the past give rise to further crimes.

This deal is good on June 4, 2023


Lucia's War on Kindle

Lucia’s War ($0.99) by Susan Lanigan: Lucia Percival has overcome adversity to become a world-renowned soprano. But she has carried a lifelong secret from her youth when she served as a nurse during World War I – and she is ready to confess. From Jamaica to England, through Glasgow to Black society in London, Lucia’s journey shows a woman determined to fight against all odds.

This deal is good on June 4, 2023

Kindle Kobo Apple Books

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Relationship Advice, Comprehensive Parenting, Strategic Thinkers, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks

The Secret Formula of Strategic Thinkers: Winning Steps for Sustained Success (The Secret Formula Of Strategic Thinkers Book 1) on Kindle

The Secret Formula of Strategic Thinkers: Winning Steps for Sustained Success (The Secret Formula Of Strategic Thinkers Book 1) ($4.99) by Cory Smith: Do you hustle without having much to show for it? With this book in your hands, you can absolutely use the secret power of masterful strategic thinking to upgrade every aspect of your life. Master your emotions, master your life. Are you finally ready to become the master of your mind and use a calm mind and strategic thinking to upgrade your life?

This deal is good on June 4, 2023


8 ¼ Rules for Resilience: How to Bounce Back in an Unpredictable World on Kindle

8 ¼ Rules for Resilience: How to Bounce Back in an Unpredictable World ($4.99) by Jackson Sherry: After a near-fatal accident left Jackson severely paralyzed, he rebuilt his life from the ground up. Everything he thought he knew about resilience turned out to be pure ego. Through trial and error, he created a system for tenacity based on the major setbacks in his life. The result was the 8 ¼ Rules for Resilience shared in this book.

This deal is good on June 4, 2023


Rise Above It (The Rise Above series - Empowering Self-Acceptance and Unshakable Confidence for Women Book 1) on Kindle

Rise Above It (The Rise Above series – Empowering Self-Acceptance and Unshakable Confidence for Women Book 1) ($3.99) by Anna Belle: This comprehensive guide will help you ignite your inner brilliance, crush insecurities, conquer doubts, and embrace your true beauty. Unleash the amazing, powerful you! Overcome triggers, boost confidence, and foster positive relationships. Discover practical advice and transform your life. Get your copy now and unlock your limitless potential.

This deal is good on June 4, 2023


Know Your Man: Playful Relationship Advice for Understanding Your Pig on Kindle

Know Your Man: Playful Relationship Advice for Understanding Your Pig ($1.99) by Michael Coogan: You looked for a man and found a pig. Often this cycle of embarrassment, frustration, and heartache dealing with total pigs continues as you search for that special man. A man’s mind works in simple, predictable ways. You’ll uncover their secret customs, patterns, and behaviors. Master the effortless tactics you need to train and manage him 24×7.

This deal is good on June 4, 2023


Turning 60: When the Hell Did This Happen? on Kindle

Turning 60: When the Hell Did This Happen? ($2.99) by Rick L. Huffman: In a world where time stops for no one, wrinkles become battle scars, and gray hair is the crown of wisdom, there comes a book that confronts the inevitable milestone of turning sixty. Turning 60: When the Hell Did This Happen? Get ready to laugh out loud with a rebellious 60-year-old who refuses to let age define him.

This deal is good on June 4, 2023


Attention Deficit Hyperactive Success: The Comprehensive Parenting Guide To Raising Successful Children With ADHD on Kindle

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Success: The Comprehensive Parenting Guide To Raising Successful Children With ADHD ($0.99) by Zipi Kobrinski: With decades of experience coaching children and families with ADHD, Zipi Kobrinski’s knowledge and expertise are a beacon for parents and therapists looking for a contemporary, effective approach to help children with ADHD reach their full potential.

This deal is good on June 4, 2023


Juror #11 on Kindle

Juror #11 ($1.99) by Katrina Robertson: The story of a journey from serving on the jury for a murder trial and then ending up with her own charges and trial and a mistrial granted in the murder trial. A vulnerable inside look at the criminal justice system.

This deal is good on June 4, 2023


Love Isn't Always the Answer on Kindle

Love Isn’t Always the Answer ($0.99) by Shelley L. Levisay: How does a smart, educated lawyer end up a convicted felon? Read now to see how falling in love with the wrong guy can ruin your life.

This deal is good on June 4, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books

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The Poland Trilogy and Lantern Across the Sea: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Lantern Across the Sea (Lover of the Sea Book 1) on Kindle

Lantern Across the Sea (Lover of the Sea Book 1) ($0.99) by Michael Ponzio: In 1277, Bastone, sailor, and spy, travels across the sea, concealing his prime mission: stop Charles of Anjou’s attack on Constantinople. He falls in love with a Greek fisherman’s daughter. In a dangerous world of pirates, assassins, slave traders, and hostile family prejudice, together, they must prevent a history-changing catastrophe.

This deal is good on June 3, 2023


The Poland Trilogy (Books 1-3) on Kindle

The Poland Trilogy (Books 1-3) ($3.99) by James Conroyd Martin: Based on the diary of a countess, this riviting saga displays “all the sweep and romance of ‘Gone with the Wind’ and ‘Doctor Zhivago’.” ~India Edghill. Winner of a GOLD MEDAL for the Box Set from the Independent Publishers Book Awards. On Kindle Unlimited.

This deal is good on June 3, 2023


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A Reluctant Hero and Heirs of the Tide: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

A Reluctant Hero (Will Revill Thrillers Book 3) on Kindle

A Reluctant Hero (Will Revill Thrillers Book 3) ($0.99) by John Pilkington: England, August 1591. After two years as a soldier turned spy for the Crown, Captain Will Revill must join the staff of Lord Ballater, an embittered Catholic. On orders of Queen Elizabeth’s new spymaster, Sir Robert Cecil, Revill’s task is to keep a close watch on Ballater’s staunchly Catholic servants – one of whom Cecil believes intends to make an attempt on the Queen’s life.

This deal is good on June 2, 2023


Heirs of the Tide (Lost Tales of Sepharad Book 2) on Kindle

Heirs of the Tide (Lost Tales of Sepharad Book 2) ($1.99) by Michelle Fogle: Journey to the Holy Land during the Renaissance for a thrilling adventure. When a crime lord abducts their father, two brothers set sail to retrieve lost family assets to pay the ransom. They navigate treacherous waters with a fearless crew of Sephardic corsairs seeking justice against the Inquisition, in a tale of danger and unbreakable bonds.

This deal is good on June 2, 2023


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The General Wondered Why and Whiskey and Old Stogies: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

The General Wondered Why (Tales of Empire Book 1) on Kindle

The General Wondered Why (Tales of Empire Book 1) ($0.99) by William Slim: Edited by bestselling military historian Robert Lyman, this is a special collection of stories by William “Bill” Slim which were first published during the interwar years. Although of their time, the stories convey Slim’s humanity – as well as provide an insight into the long-departed world of operations of the Old Indian Army and the North-West Frontier.

This deal is good on June 1, 2023


Whiskey and Old Stogies on Kindle

Whiskey and Old Stogies ($0.99) by Lisa Angle: In 1920s North Carolina young Rufus leaves his family knowing nobody will miss him. He carries haunting secrets. When he falls in with the O’Haras he believes he found a home. He learns to make white lightening and prospers in selling it. Running moonshine leads him to dark places where he encounters rough culprits. A scheme gone wrong lands him in prison where he confronts his past.

This deal is good on June 1, 2023

Kindle Apple Books

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Soul of Jubie Walker and Charani’s Gift: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Soul of Jubie Walker on Kindle

Soul of Jubie Walker ($2.99) by D. Davidson: If a soul goes on forever, then, in theory, life never truly ends. Does history affect our present life? So many people question the existence of heaven and hell. Could there be another answer to “What happens to our soul after we die?” In the present day, a fifteen-year-old boy seems haunted by the spirit of a dead American soldier. Why?

This deal is good on May 31, 2023

Kindle Nook

Charani's Gift on Kindle

Charani’s Gift ($0.99) by Robert Nolin: Magic and science meet on the plains of Missouri, 1898, when two psychiatrists encounter a gypsy trance speaker who seems possessed…or psychic. Based on real events, Charani’s Gift reimagines the western frontier as the borderland between science and magic.

This deal is good on May 31, 2023


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Powerless in Poland and The Road to Somorrostro: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Powerless in Poland: Growing Up Under the Nazi Regime on Kindle

Powerless in Poland: Growing Up Under the Nazi Regime ($3.99) by June Triana-Schiada: Based on true events, this middle-grade novel takes you on George’s coming-of-age journey surrounded by death and destruction. Forced to live in German-occupied Poland, the family struggled to survive in a violent dictatorship. Sign up for my newsletter for a chance to win a FREE copy!

This deal is good on May 30, 2023

Kindle Nook Google Play

The Road to Somorrostro on Kindle

The Road to Somorrostro ($3.72) by Julia Slack: A shameful past connects three families with a secret that cannot stay buried forever.
1966. From Barcelona’s old town to the gypsy slums on Somorrostro beach, the intertwined destiny of two generations is unravelling. Compelling historical fiction, based on real places and events.

This deal is good on May 30, 2023


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Arm and Hammer: A Discounted Historical Fiction eBook

Arm and Hammer on Kindle

Arm and Hammer ($0.99) by Jonathan K. Wade: Set in the 80’s and spanning seven years of international drug smuggling and political corruption, this is the incredible story of how a fateful US cargo plane carrying humanitarian aid was shot down over Central America and revealed to the world the stunning attempt by the CIA to illegally arm and fund a Nicaraguan revolution.

This deal is good on May 29, 2023


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My Love Nikola Tesla and Gunny Mac Private Detective: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

My Love Nikola Tesla on Kindle

My Love Nikola Tesla ($0.99) by Ana Atanaskovic: A new aspect of the greatest scientist of all times is brought forth in Ana Atanasković’s book. The author dug deep to discover a softer side of Nikola Tesla. His social gatherings with the most famous individuals of his time, friendships with poets, writers and other visionaries, his impeccable sense of style were all kept on the margins of Tesla’s scientific brilliance.

This deal is good on May 28, 2023


Gunny Mac Private Detective: Trouble in Chinatown on Kindle

Gunny Mac Private Detective: Trouble in Chinatown ($2.99) by Steven Walker: Four shot-up veterans from the 1942 Guadalcanal campaign become private detectives in Chinatown in Hawaii and get mixed up in a unique heist that has the military, the mob, and corrupt Chinatown police trying to kill them. If you loved the movie “The Best Years of Our Lives,” or the movie “Casablanca,” you will love the characters in this book.

This deal is good on May 28, 2023


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Flukes of Fate and Requiem For the Rio: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Flukes of Fate on Kindle

Flukes of Fate ($3.99) by Luther Robison: The American West in early 1800. Renegades plunder the Smith homestead. His mother takes him to Philadelphia. At age eighteen, rebelling against his mother’s wishes, he trudges south to Mississippi and Texas to discover what fate has in store for him – encountering life-and-death skirmishes, horse thieves, stagecoach robbers, hoodlums, land swindlers, and romance.

This deal is good on May 27, 2023


Requiem For the Rio (The DiPaolo Trilogy Book 1) on Kindle

Requiem For the Rio (The DiPaolo Trilogy Book 1) ($4.98) by Steve Bartholomew: A disaster at sea. Martino DiPaolo loses the people he was hired to protect. Now he discovers he must try to save the president of the United States. Another man wants to assassinate him. DiPaolo doesn’t know that fate hinges on the price of silver, and on the fortune lost at the bottom of the sea. Now dive in to the deep waters of intrigue.

This deal is good on May 27, 2023

Kindle Kobo Apple Books

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Desperate Valour and The American Spy: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Desperate Valour (Storm of War Book 2) on Kindle

Desperate Valour (Storm of War Book 2) ($0.99) by Timothy Ashby: New Orleans, 1815. Alexander Charteris – “Chart” – a mixed-race major in the British Army´s 1st West India regiment – is sent to New Orleans on a dangerous spying mission. His contact is the beautiful agent Bagatelle, madame of a high-class brothel. The spy becomes a soldier once more. Ordered to retreat with a defeated army, Chart must make a fateful decision.

This deal is good on May 26, 2023


The American Spy on Kindle

The American Spy ($3.99) by Scott Wiegmann: It’s a race the Allies can’t allow Germany to win. The American Spy is the gripping tale of a soldier recruited by the OSS to drop behind enemy lines in WW II and stop production of the V-2, the inter-continental ballistic missile that could alter the outcome of the war. Readers who like historical fiction and adventure should grab this book.

This deal is good on May 26, 2023


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The Broken Hallelujah and Catering to Love: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

The Broken Hallelujah on Kindle

The Broken Hallelujah ($0.99) by Wendy H. Adair: The Broken Hallelujah is a poignant and gripping novel that weaves together the stories of Martin Carter, a soldier in Vietnam in 1969, and his granddaughter Robin in present-day. Martin’s experiences in the war shape his life, and when he goes missing, his family is left to wonder what happened to him.

This deal is good on May 25, 2023


Catering to Love (Departments of Love Book 1) on Kindle

Catering to Love (Departments of Love Book 1) ($0.99) by Joshua Ian: Chef Henri’s world gets rocked with the arrival of the gorgeous new waiter, Nico, in the Royal Tea Room. The two can’t deny their mutual attraction but Henri is hesitant to risk his career – and more – for love. Forbidden love in a luxurious Edwardian-era department store. Perfect for fans of Downton Abbey!

This deal is good on May 25, 2023


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Whipponock Creek and Assault: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Whipponock Creek: Life and Times of Will Traylor on Kindle

Whipponock Creek: Life and Times of Will Traylor ($1.99) by Ronnie Pastecki: This well-researched, touching novel describes the life and times of Will Traylor during his brave battle between morality and patriotism as he served as a scout at Valley Forge. Four long years later, the fighting ventures close to his home in Dinwiddle, VA threatening Will’s children. He has no choice but to muster out of the Continental Army. His family desperately needs him at home.

This deal is good on May 24, 2023


Assault (Girl with a Knife Book 1) on Kindle

Assault (Girl with a Knife Book 1) ($1.99) by James T. Hogg: An epic historical fiction novel of love and revenge, in the vein of Ken Follett’s Pillars of the Earth, debut author James T. Hogg’s Girl with a Knife: Assault features a compelling heroine who must fight for justice and vengeance in ever dangerous 1600’s Colonial New England.

This deal is good on May 24, 2023


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The Portrait and Delicatus: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

The Portrait on Kindle

The Portrait ($1.99) by Emilia Kelly: For fans of Kate Morton and Daphne Du Maurier. London, 1850. When Iris Sheffield finds the diary and photograph of a mysterious young woman, she can’t stop wondering who the woman is and what has become of her. The more questions Iris asks, the more she suspects someone does not want her to discover the answers.

This deal is good on May 23, 2023


Delicatus: From Slave to Empress in Imperial Rome on Kindle

Delicatus: From Slave to Empress in Imperial Rome ($0.99) by S.P. Somtow: History tells us that the Emperor Nero emasculated and married his slave Sporus, the spitting image of murdered Empress Poppaea. But history has more tidbits about Sporus, who went from “puer delicatus” to Empress to one Emperor and concubine to another, and ended up being sentenced to play the Earth-Goddess in the arena.

This deal is good on May 23, 2023


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The Finder (A Beatrix Patterson Mystery): A Discounted Historical Fiction eBook

The Finder (A Beatrix Patterson Mystery) on Kindle

The Finder (A Beatrix Patterson Mystery) ($1.99) by Eva Shaw: This historical mystery novel is packed with intrigue and beauty, set four years after World War II ends. Follow familiar characters Beatrix Patterson and Thomas Ling as they settle into a new life in Santa Barbara, California. The Finder is the second book in the series, however each book can be read as a stand-alone or in order of publication.

This deal is good on May 22, 2023


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Mama Dee and Delivering Virtue: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Mama Dee on Kindle

Mama Dee ($4.99) by Earl Lynn: Now as an older woman affectionately called Mama Dee, DeEtta returns to her not-so-beloved Southern hometown where her ancestors worked and lived for generations. But being in that house, DeEtta is forced to relive her traumatic past. Will her dark, explosive secrets come to light now she is back in the place where it all transpired…?

This deal is good on May 20, 2023


Delivering Virtue (The Epic of Didier Rain Book 1) on Kindle

Delivering Virtue (The Epic of Didier Rain Book 1) ($4.99) by Brian Kindall: Delivering Virtue is an outrageously inventive western that follows the adventures of Didier Rain, a bumbling rogue assigned the task of delivering a babe to the camp of a Mormon splinter sect out West, to be the bride of its prophet Nehi. The Frontier of 1854 is rife with perils that threaten to avert Rain from fulfilling the righteous prophecy.

This deal is good on May 20, 2023

Kindle Nook Apple Books

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Shadow of Treason (The Queen’s Intelligencer Book 3): A Discounted Historical Fiction eBook

Shadow of Treason (The Queen's Intelligencer Book 3) on Kindle

Shadow of Treason (The Queen’s Intelligencer Book 3) ($0.99) by Peter Tonkin: London 1603. A gunpowder mill explodes and a passer-by is recognised and arrested. The arresting officer is Spymaster Robert Poley, The fugitive is the Catholic Robert Catesby. Catesby forms a plot, involving an expert in gunpowder and explosives. His name? Guy Fawkes. Poley races to discover exactly what the conspirators are planning.

This deal is good on May 19, 2023


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Skyehag and The Emerald Necklace: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Skyehag (The Torrport Diaries Book 2) on Kindle

Skyehag (The Torrport Diaries Book 2) ($0.99) by Bettyanne Twigg & Albert Marsolais: Clan MacLeod of Scotland was threatened by a coalition of greedy witches and selfish relatives trying to overthrow the ailing chieftain and seize the clan’s fabled treasure. Elspeth MacLeod and Malcolm Forrester are called on to help. But Elspeth must confront her troubled past, and Malcolm his inner demons if they are to be successful in their mission.

This deal is good on May 18, 2023

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books Google Play

The Emerald Necklace on Kindle

The Emerald Necklace ($0.99) by Linda Rosen: Rosalee Linoff seeks to return to her art after her husband’s death. Insecurity plagues her when she meets her new neighbor, best-selling author Fran Barish. A spiral of mutual envy ensues, intensified by Fran’s secret fascination with Rosalee’s granddaughter’s emerald necklace. As tensions escalate, Rosalee faces a dilemma when her granddaughter’s convictions are tested.

This deal is good on May 18, 2023


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