The Adventures of Wu Kong Vol.1 and Jinx: Discounted Young Adult eBooks

The Adventures of Wu Kong Vol.1: The Stone Monkey: Journey to the West ($0.99) by Ren Cun: ‘The Journey to the West’ tells the story of Sun Wu Kong’s spiritual journey and adventures along the way. It is populated with colorful characters and many adventures keep the story moving with light-heartedness and whimsy. Volume 01 follows the adventures of Wu Kong, who seeks to learn the secret of eternal life.

This deal is good on March 16, 2025

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Jinx ($0.99) by Melissa K. Magner: A thrilling blend of fantasy and horror, Jinx follows two teenage girls who find a mysterious box in the ocean and are thrown into an intricate web of lies, deceptions, and ancient curses. Sometimes, the most unassuming things are the most dangerous, and those who strike a trustworthy impression harbor the darkest secrets.

This deal is good on March 16, 2025

Kindle Apple Books

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