The Penny Arcade and Waxwing Creek: Discounted Horror eBooks

The Penny Arcade: Mother’s Care Orphanage ($0.99) by David A. Neuman: From beyond the greatest of minds, where substance is meaningless and the dead restlessly wander, misery plagues the living with visions of things that have no right to exist. For here, in the small rustic township of Kapunda, nothing truly dies…

This deal is good on February 21, 2025


Waxwing Creek ($0.99) by J.J. Walker: From a woman betting on bingo to save her life to a man calling on the supernatural to reunite lovers, ‘Waxwing Creek’ is a collection of interconnected horror stories that uncover the disturbing events of a haunted motel in a small town called Hunt.

This deal is good on February 21, 2025


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