Lonely Gods, Immortal Hunters, and Hidden Dragons: Discounted Fantasy and Science Fiction eBooks
An Abandoned Home (Tilorian Book 1) ($0.99) by Julian Fogel: Stolen into another world, Isaac must find his way home with the allies he meets along the way. The world of Tiloran is vast, unfamiliar, and run by six gods at war with one another. Standing in Isaac’s way is a dark caster tasked with only one goal — Kill Isaac. Journey into a story about family and the way loneliness can make us lose ourselves.
This deal is good on January 26, 2025
Chains of Time ($0.99) by R.B. Woodstone: Amara saw him in her visions. She knew that Van Owen would come — to raid her village, to steal her power, and to pursue her across time. No one believed her, and now they’re all dead. But now he’s hunting her descendants as well, so Amara must reach out to them across time and reveal who she is, who they are, and how they can stop an immortal!
This deal is good on January 26, 2025
Chasing Sorcery (Power & Empire Book 1) ($0.99) by L. J. Hutton: In the Islands, war mages are on the rampage and kings are being assassinated, while for others, friends have been betrayed and homes are about to be invaded. Who is behind all of this and can they be stopped? When there’s no chosen one to save you, everyone must learn to fight back. ‘Chasing Sorcery’ is the 1st in the complete 5 book series.
This deal is good on January 26, 2025
Blue Eyed Moon (Legendary Stars Saga Book 3) ($0.99) by Dai’Ja S. Rose: The price of some curses is paid with blood. Charged for a crime that she did not commit, Tiber finds herself on the run. Daughter of no one, she has nowhere to go. She is on a mission to clear her name so she can return to her tribe. However, her former partner in crime, Nahal, believes that Tiber is guilty and will stop at nothing for justice.
This deal is good on January 26, 2025
The Book of Fire ($0.99) by Anna Em: What if dragons existed, hidden in plain sight? When two violent deaths occur on her sawmill’s property, Lili suspects one of her workers. But as she digs deeper for the truth, she becomes ensnared in a series of inexplicable events with no escape. Her investigation leads her to an astonishing revelation where the Book of Fire holds unimaginable power.
This deal is good on January 26, 2025
Futureproof ($0.99) by Stephen Albrecht: In the chaos of the 2050s, AI has changed Joe Watson’s life forever. Now he must find out why. Read THE AI novel of the year. Reader’s Favorite Silver Award Winner. Kirkus Reviews calls it “A shuddery, slow-burn, speculative thriller.”
This deal is good on January 26, 2025
Final Warning ($0.99) by David Drum: This bawdy, far-out eco-thriller is like a Marx Bros movie crossed with The Twilight Zone and Star Trek. Corporation releasing a deadly cell phone signal. Female scientist fights to stop it. Aliens land. Corporate president is kidnapped. Neanderthals, Victoria’s Secret model, ditzy reporters, ants, and a wiccan love triangle bring it all back home.
This deal is good on January 26, 2025
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