Action-Packed Daydreams, Bloodthirsty Kings, and Imaginary Gardens: Discounted Young Adult eBooks

Kitten Quest (kREEPY kITTENS Action and Adventure Book 1) ($0.99) by LJ Peace: Meet Crissy, an imaginative girl who loves her action-packed daydreams even as true adventure catches up and spirals into a sci-fi epic in magical Cliffside. A special kitten helps her understand the Golden Rule as she faces anger, arrogance, envy, and a very moody friend. Hold tight as you crash into the high-tech world of AIs and kREEPY kITTENS.

This deal is good on January 23, 2025


Clement: Boy Knight of Normandy (Clement Book 1) ($0.99) by Craig Hipkins: Clement–medieval teen genius, and knight. With his loyal friends Dagena and Olaf, they embark on adventures that will keep you turning the pages. This is book number 1 in the series. Clement first appeared in the novel, “Adalbert”.

This deal is good on January 23, 2025


Where No One Can Follow ($2.99) by Grace Quincy: Louisa, an eighteen-year-old conscript, is sent to a spy training school, where she learns to fight, lie, and survive. She’ll need every edge her training can provide when she’s sent behind enemy lines to spy on a rebel, bloodthirsty king. But as dark secrets are revealed, Louisa must decide who to trust—her kingdom or her heart.

This deal is good on January 23, 2025


Letter to a Dandelion: Earth Verse for Gardeners & Nature Lovers ($4.99) by Jeffry Glover: Reviewers say: “…a true wonder of beauty, hope, humor, peace, and simplicity… an extraordinary read!… I love this poetry! …I warmly recommend this gem of a book!” Find out why this charming lighthearted tour around an imaginary garden through the seasons received a prestigious Editor’s Pick from Booklife and a 5-star review from Readers’ Favorite!

This deal is good on January 23, 2025

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