Surviving Challenges, Magical Gifts, and Unlikely Heroes: Discounted Young Adult eBooks

Calling The Shots ($3.99) by Mike Tierney: Imagine suffering a long-term injury after a fairy-tale JV basketball season (“Perfect To A Fault” on Amazon). You must sit out your junior year. How do you stay involved with your sport? Get an internship with the local NBA team. What began as fetching coffee and sharpening pencils became running the show as general manager for the eccentric owner.

This deal is good on December 3, 2024


Plain Princess Jane ($3.99) by Jennifer Milne: Need a Middle Grade princess story for girls? When fairies give Princess Jane’s magical gifts to the family cat by mistake, Jane must live a lie. Later, the big switch is revealed at royal sleepaway camp! Will Jane and her enchanted kitty tell the truth? Heartwarming and funny, with an important lesson. #1-ranked family story says Coverfly.com.

This deal is good on December 3, 2024


A Year of Bloodied Thorns (The Academy For Awakened Souls Book 1) ($2.99) by Matthew Patrick: Regina Vale was just another wannabe artist. A grand enough dream for those living in the Shallows. One fateful night, however, Regina learns she is blessed with more than a keen eye or a steady hand. Surviving an attack by a rare magical abomination, the young woman is soon confronted with a far greater challenge: Going back to school!

This deal is good on December 3, 2024


Perception (The Perception Saga Book 1) ($0.99) by Faith Johnson: After an aspiring valedictorian discovers she has a dangerous magical power, she’s forced to enlist the help of her school’s newest troublemaker to control it.

This deal is good on December 3, 2024


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