Magical Allies, Enchanted Sleep, and Dull Realities: Discounted Young Adult eBooks
Fire and Rain (A Rain’s quest novel Book 1) ($2.99) by Dauna Grey: Rain Dare is born on an island in the Pacific fifty-eight years after aliens seed the Earth with magic following the Great Warming. Billions of the Earth’s beings died from the heat, starvation, disease, and desperation. 99% human and 1% alien Rain is designed to help mankind transition from a technologically based world to a magical one.
This deal is good on October 15, 2024
The Classy Squad ($4.99) by Rosemary K. Tompkins: Floyd, still grieving his wife Betty, hires Mabel to help around the house filled with memories of her, including a room of enchanted dolls. Neighbor Irene, who has eyes for Floyd, plots to intrude on his life. However, the living dolls and Mabel’s great-niece and -nephew unite to thwart Irene’s schemes. Love and magical allies must work together to defeat the cunning neighbor.
This deal is good on October 15, 2024
Rotting Beauty ($0.99) by Elizabeth K. King: After nearly a hundred years, Princess Briar finally wakes from her enchanted sleep – only to find that all the people in her realm have become rotting, flesh-eating, walking corpses. Now she must escape her own castle and find a way to save her kingdom, before she herself succumbs to this rotting curse.
This deal is good on October 15, 2024
Our Last Summer ($2.99) by Tyra Calinga: For five years, Andrei’s world has been dull and lifeless, weighed down by a past he can’t escape. Then, she arrives, bringing color and hope into his life. But just as he starts to embrace this new reality, a secret unravels everything. Can Andrei hold onto the light, or will the shadows reclaim him?
This deal is good on October 15, 2024
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