Magnolia, Healing or Homecoming, and The Fool’s Path: Discounted Religion / Spirituality eBooks

Magnolia: A View of Heaven

Magnolia: A View of Heaven ($4.99) by Thomas Fargnoli: This book is about a man’s journey from his hospital bed to his small hometown of Magnolia, New Jersey, where his journey to heaven begins as his guardian angel helps him answer questions that we all have about heaven. Questions such as: What will heaven be like? Will we meet relatives and friends there? Will there be food and wine? Will there be sex? Will we see our pets? How will we get around?

This deal is good on October 5, 2024


Healing or Homecoming

Healing or Homecoming ($0.99) by Cheryl Liberatore: More than a raw and gripping narrative, Healing or Homecoming is a faith walk through suffering and uncertainty. It recounts a father’s and daughter’s God-scripted stories: one ending in miraculous healing and one leading to eternal homecoming. Through it, God reveals himself as good, faithful, and sovereign—independent of the outcome.

This deal is good on October 5, 2024


The Fool's Path: A Glance at The Spiritual World

The Fool’s Path: A Glance at The Spiritual World ($4.99) by Alman D Guide: The book explores various spiritual traditions, esoteric concepts, and mystical practices. It is divided into eleven chapters and covers topics such as the creation of light, the tree of life, the universal laws, magic, mantic, tarot major and minor arcana, and a hypothesis on the relationship between Tarot and the Matrix.

This deal is good on October 5, 2024


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