Getting to Know God’s Love, Become the Best You, and The New Mythologies: Discounted Religion / Spirituality eBooks

Getting to Know God’s Love: Making God’s Love Visible (Quick and Easy Bible Study for Women Book 3)

Getting to Know God’s Love: Making God’s Love Visible (Quick and Easy Bible Study for Women Book 3) ($0.99) by Patty Mason: Are you searching for love, longing for that special someone? Or are you afraid to love again because relationships have left you emotionally wounded? Whether looking for love or carrying the scars of a love gone wrong, “Getting to Know God’s Love” reveals the pursuit, power, passion, and persistence of the love you were created for and already possess.

This deal is good on September 19, 2024


Become the Best You (The Best You Book 1)

Become the Best You (The Best You Book 1) ($0.99) by Bruce Francois: Set against universal life struggles, Bruce embarks on a journey of self-discovery after a moment of hopelessness. Realizing that self-help alone falls short, he encounters God, gaining newfound clarity and purpose. The story serves as a testament to the transformative power of spiritual awakening amid life’s challenges, offering a practical guide to help readers become their best selves.

This deal is good on September 19, 2024


The New Mythologies: New Psalms for A New World

The New Mythologies: New Psalms for A New World ($2.99) by Jayce Dalton Free: “The New Mythologies” invites you on a journey beyond the ordinary, where introspection meets inspiration, and reason dances with the metaphysical. With poetic grace, it becomes an ode to the miracle of creation. Explore the possibilities of a greater consciousness… Venture into the depths of your imagination… Explore the mysteries of existence…

This deal is good on September 19, 2024


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