Feel-Better Short Stories for Seniors and Coming Home: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks

Feel-Better Short Stories for Seniors

Feel-Better Short Stories for Seniors ($0.99) by Bradley Windrow: Feel-Better Short Stories for Seniors offers 40 uplifting tales designed for senior readers. These heartwarming stories, presented in large print, provide a quick escape into moments of joy and nostalgia. Perfect for brightening your day or sharing with loved ones, this collection is a delightful way to bring comfort and smiles.

This deal is good on September 2, 2024


Coming Home

Coming Home ($0.99) by Kay Tobler Liss: Coming Home is about a family that goes back to special places from their past. They visit beautiful spots like meadows, rivers, and mountains. Along the way, they discover hidden secrets, remember a loved one who passed away, and begin to heal. This story shows how nature can help us feel better and grow closer to each other. Please leave a review.

This deal is good on September 2, 2024


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