Tales of an Eldritch Wasteland, Assembly of Phantasms, and Waxwing Creek: Discounted Horror eBooks

Tales of an Eldritch Wasteland (Cthulhu Armageddon Book 4)

Tales of an Eldritch Wasteland (Cthulhu Armageddon Book 4) ($0.99) by C. T. Phipps: An anthology of post-apocalypse Cthulhu Mythos stories set in the world of Cthulhu Armageddon by C.T. Phipps. It is a collection of over thirteen tales of horror, science fiction, and fantasy ranging from the darkly adventurous to the terrifying.

This deal is good on August 26, 2024

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Assembly of Phantasms

Assembly of Phantasms ($0.99) by K.G. Godel: Six supernatural tales: an executioner stalked by ghosts of the French Reign of Terror-a lighthouse keeper in dread of a misshapen unearthly visitor–a lost horror film that promises fame or a living death–a town cursed by the wrath of an alchemist-a luckless man finding impossible fortunes in a sinister alley–a frozen wilderness haunted by a demon.

This deal is good on August 26, 2024

Kindle Nook Kobo Apple Books

Waxwing Creek

Waxwing Creek ($0.99) by J.J. Walker: From a woman betting on bingo to save her life to a man calling on the supernatural to reunite lovers, Waxwing Creek uncovers the disturbing events of a haunted motel in a small town called Hunt.

This deal is good on August 26, 2024


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