Petunia Prima Ballerina and Adventures with Pop Pop at Grant’s Farm: Discounted Children’s eBooks

Petunia Prima Ballerina ($1.99) by Debbie Kay Martin & Kat Powell: The story of a young girl whose dreams of becoming a Prima Ballerina will take her on a journey filled with obstacles. Petunia is a girl with big dreams, and the courage to face any challenge that comes her way. With every step of her journey, she learns more about herself and the power of determination.

This deal is good on July 29, 2024


Adventures with Pop Pop at Grant’s Farm ($2.99) by Warren Martin & Kat Powell: Adventures with Pop Pop series picks up with a family tradition of visits to Grants’ Farm in St. Louis. This tradition continued with Pop Pop and Na Na’s own children and in recent years continues with their grandchildren, whom Pop Pop has dubbed as his Grandmen: Grandman Dean and Grandman Levi.

This deal is good on July 29, 2024


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