Written in their Stars and The Papal Assassin: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Written in their Stars (The Lydiard Chronicles Book 3)

Written in their Stars (The Lydiard Chronicles Book 3) ($0.99) by Elizabeth St.John: Nan Wilmot exploits her power as Countess of Rochester to establish a Royalist spy network. Frances and Allen Apsley flee England to join the king in exile in Paris, while their beloved cousin Luce stays to fight for Parliament. Separated by loyalty and bound by love, the women hold the fate of England—and their family—in their hands.

This deal is good on June 23, 2024


The Papal Assassin: Swordmaster. Schemer. Seducer (The Papal Assassin Series Book 1)

The Papal Assassin: Swordmaster. Schemer. Seducer (The Papal Assassin Series Book 1) ($2.99) by S.J. Martin: Piers De Chatillon is a wealthy French noble and influential Papal Envoy. A consummate diplomat but also an arch manipulator and lethal assassin – desired by women and feared by men. Chatillon got his own series of books when he emerged as the readers’ favourite character in the Breton Horse Warriors series.

This deal is good on June 23, 2024


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