Margaret’s Last Prayer and Twice Upon a Time: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Margaret's Last Prayer (A Soldier's Heart Book 1)

Margaret’s Last Prayer (A Soldier’s Heart Book 1) ($0.99) by Gary Baysinger: Fourteen-year-old Margaret Laemmer’s path crossed with two gypsy boys in a daring rescue. Little did she know that it would set a chain of events spanning generations in motion. A century later, two soldiers from opposing sides find themselves on the banks of the Elbe River in Germany not knowing their fate is linked to Margaret’s.

This deal is good on June 21, 2024


Twice Upon a Time

Twice Upon a Time ($2.99) by Dan Davidson and Rich Marcano: Fifty-some-odd years have passed since Julie Scott and James Barlow have seen each other. They had been high school sweethearts in 1960, but unusual circumstances ended that relationship, and they went their separate ways. Now fate has brought them together again. And to what end will this lead them? Travel back in time with Julie and James.

This deal is good on June 21, 2024

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