Monochromatic Mind and The Irish Flapper: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks

Monochromatic Mind

Monochromatic Mind ($0.99) by Tristan Mowrey: Through a collection of imaginative micro-stories, readers are transported to worlds both familiar and fantastical. Every story is accompanied by striking black-and-white photographs, serving as visual prompts to ignite the creative spark within.

This deal is good on June 20, 2024


The Irish Flapper

The Irish Flapper ($0.99) by Catherine Stack: The Irish Flapper is a novel set in Manhattan during the exciting Roaring Twenties about a young Irish woman’s journey to America. Once in America, she awakens to the stark difference between her dreams and the disillusioning reality of an immigrant’s life. It is her new friends, brazen cousin, and new love that make life in NY an unforgettable adventure.

This deal is good on June 20, 2024


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