Operation Blackbird and The Falconer’s Apprentice: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Operation Blackbird (Brass Compass Series Book 2) ($0.99) by Ellen Butler: CIA operatives Miriam Becker and Jake Devlin’s plan to help a highly prized rocket scientist defect from Soviet-controlled East Berlin goes like clockwork. Until betrayal leaves Jake trapped behind the Iron Curtain—and Miriam racing against time to get him and the Soviet out alive. Before the KGB can catch them.

This deal is good on May 2, 2024

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The Falconer’s Apprentice ($2.99) by Malve von Hassell: A boy full of dreams, a crotchety falconer, a secretive trader and his feisty daughter, a hermit healer, an irascible Arab physician, a king in prison, an aging emperor, and a falcon called Adela—these are the principal characters in this action/adventure novel set in the 13th century. How far would you be willing to go to rescue a beloved falcon?

This deal is good on May 2, 2024


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