Hardscrabble Road and Prisoner of Despair: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks
Hardscrabble Road ($0.99) by George Weinstein: The beloved Southern historical novel–on sale 1 day only–is based on the true story of three brothers and their older sister surviving a psychotic bootlegger father and a disinterested mother during the Great Depression and war years in South Georgia. Hardscrabble Road, a real place, is also a fitting metaphor for their journey through childhood.
This deal is good on April 21, 2024
Prisoner of Despair ($0.99) by Chad Miller: Set in Philadelphia in 1889, investigators Doyle and Braham take on a new case that leads them to many ominous doorways, an insane asylum, and underground surgical arenas. For fans of Sherlock Holmes and Edgar Allan Poe, this dark historical mystery will keep you awake at night and keep you guessing until the end.
This deal is good on April 21, 2024
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