Worldly Culture in a Holy Church, All the King’s Children a Journey of Faith, and The Many Faces of Grief: Discounted Religion / Spirituality eBooks
The Many Faces of Grief: Stories of Love, Loss, and Hope From a Hospital Chaplain ($0.99) by Maryann Miller: Life, love, loss, and grief, with its array of emotions, are all tied together like a ball of twine with many end pieces that unravel one piece at a time, falling indiscriminately into our lives. That one piece will take center stage, until the ball rolls again to let another fall out.
This deal is good on November 12, 2023
Worldly Culture in a Holy Church: 9 Sins Infiltrating the Church and How to Be Free of Them ($3.99) by Janice Broyles: There are two cultures ultimately at odds with one another. The world’s culture and God’s kingdom culture. One tells us to put ourselves first, while the other admonishes us to love God and to love others. In Worldly Culture in a Holy Church, author Janice Broyles discusses nine sins that today’s church struggles with and how we, as the body of Christ, can be free of them.
This deal is good on November 12, 2023
Armageddon: Messiah and the Rescue of Israel (Related Events to the Second Coming of the Christ Book 6) ($3.99) by Michael Dewar: Armageddon is the coming Middle East, World War that is staged for the destruction of the State of Israel. Israel will have no ally at that time to save it from annihilation. Will the mission of her destruction be achieved, or rescue will come from another place? Learn more.
This deal is good on November 12, 2023
All the King’s Children a Journey of Faith ($0.99) by K. G. Ingram: Book Two in the series, Earthly Story With A Heavenly Message, continues the story of Azan who is now fifteen and reunited with his family in Capernaum. After witnessing the crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus, Azan struggles to find the purpose of his death. By faith, Azan decides to follow in the disciple’s footsteps and start a church in Capernaum. Will he have what it takes?
This deal is good on November 12, 2023
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