Burning Secret and Maggie Almond and the Scandalous Sister: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks

Burning Secret ($0.99) by R J Lloyd: In 1844 Enoch Price is born into poverty, becoming a bare-knuckle fighter amongst London’s underworld. Facing imprisonment, he escapes to Jacksonville, FL. Through thrilling and risky escapades, he builds an extraordinary life of political and financial notoriety, leading him into a web of deceit.

This deal is good on October 2, 2023


Maggie Almond and the Scandalous Sister (The Maggie Almond Series Book 1) ($3.99) by Jenny Bond: When her dreams of a major scoop are thwarted, Maggie Almond, a feisty journalist, accepts an offer to interview Claire Clairmont, the scandalous sister of author Mary Shelley. Maggie’s bold actions ignite scandal and she finds herself on a path with no turning back. Fans of Bridgerton will love this tale of independence and forbidden love.

This deal is good on October 2, 2023

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