Beyond a Reasonable Doubt and Rise: Discounted Religion / Spirituality eBooks
Rise: Breaking the Chains of Emotional Bondage ($3.99) by Howard Mann: Do you feel like you’re being held hostage by your emotions? Would you like to: Understand your emotions? Discover where negative emotions come from and why you have them? Break the chains of emotional bondage and rise, ending the associated emotional pain? Then, read Rise and Set Yourself Free!
This deal is good on September 14, 2023
Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Evidence for the God of the Bible They Don’t Want You to Know ($2.99) by Chuck Livermore: What are they so afraid of? The information in this book can’t be taught in a public school. They won’t publish it in peer-reviewed journals. If a scientist endorses these ideas, he could lose his job. The information in this book is dangerous! But what if it is true? Find out what they’re hiding and learn to defend your faith. Buy this book.
This deal is good on September 14, 2023
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