Time Passed, Browning Road, and Turnback Creek: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks

Time Passed ($1.99) by Robert Barlow Jr: Three soldiers’ gut-wrenching stories of harrowing struggles in the Vietnam War. Not your typical Vietnam War novel. The stories of Daniel Gardner, Phillip Russ and Benjamin Simms will strike an emotional chord. You will witness an otherworldly event that brings them together and was written to honor the thousands whose bodies were left behind.

This deal is good on September 1, 2023

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Browning Road ($0.99) by Jeff Marlowe: 1980s White Flight. How it all happened and why. Browning Road opens the doors of American racism in a neighborhood changing before young eyes, all the while questioning the behavior of “adults” as their traditions fail. We can’t stop change, but most will only be dragged through time kicking and screaming. That was then and that was us.

This deal is good on September 1, 2023


Turnback Creek ($0.99) by Lonnie Busch: “I’ve combined six of my favorite short stories with my award-winning novella, Turnback Creek. All the characters in this collection stray near the sharp hardened edges of loss, addiction, obsession, and death. The only thing keeping them from the abyss; is the resplendent and durable notion of love.” —Lonnie Busch, author of All Hope of Becoming Human.

This deal is good on September 1, 2023


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