The River of God’s Presence and Sparks of Faith: Discounted Religion / Spirituality eBooks
The River of God’s Presence ($1.99) by Jeannine Rodriguez-Everard: Experience an unparalleled spiritual journey in “The River of God’s Presence”. This powerful narrative invites you to soar across scriptures, exploring divine metaphors hidden in biblical rivers. Unearth profound insights, satisfy spiritual queries, and ignite your bond with Jesus. Your relationship with Him will evolve, radiating divine beauty that shapes your life’s every facet.
This deal is good on August 9, 2023
Sparks of Faith: A 30 Days Children’s Devotional ($2.99) by Ronnie T: Journey through the vibrant stories of the Bible with this engaging devotional for young children As children discover the profound messages within each tale, they also learn about core Christian values like love, forgiveness, honesty, and the power of prayer. The chapters conclude with heartfelt prayers to nurture a personal connection with God.
This deal is good on August 9, 2023
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