The Taming of a Chauvinist and The Auction: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks

The Taming of a Chauvinist on Kindle

The Taming of a Chauvinist ($0.99) by Tom O’Neill: This is a love story of a marriage set in two countries over changing social times as the husband lies close to death in hospital his wife by his side. The story is told from both the husband and the wife’s point of view and asks the question of how much pride should be sacrificed in order to save a marriage.

This deal is good on July 31, 2023


The Auction on Kindle

The Auction ($3.99) by Elci North: When the Office of Reproductive Oversight sends four pregnant women to the same prison, they team up to appeal their sentences and in the process learn about the lies the government has brainwashed into society. Knowledge leads to ideas, which turn into action. Action that could end the baby auction.

This deal is good on July 31, 2023


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