Nothing Forgotten and The Whale Surfaces: Discounted Literary Fiction eBooks
Nothing Forgotten ($0.99) by Jessica Levine: Nothing Forgotten, Winner Next Generation Indie Book Award. “An intricately layered, deeply heartfelt, and bittersweet novel,” Booklist. “Delicious insights into Italian life,” SF Chronicle. When Anna is contacted by the Italian lover she knew decades before, she recalls their affair in Rome and the son she relinquished. Love lost is found again.
This deal is good on July 16, 2023
The Whale Surfaces ($2.99) by Ruth Rotkowitz: Marcia Gold is trying very hard to be ‘normal.’ From the age of 11 to 22, she struggles with nightmares, panic attacks, fears, and delusions. Her parents are Jewish Holocaust survivors and Marcia has absorbed their experiences as her own. While she tries to pretend that everything is okay, she is suffering. Her search for understanding and mental health has just begun.
This deal is good on July 16, 2023
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