AI… Meets… AI, Our Days, and The Dreaded Cliff: Discounted Children’s eBooks

AI… Meets… AI ($2.99) by Amber Ivey: “AI… Meets… AI” invites kids on a whimsical journey with Addy & Jaz, making AI relatable & fun. Ignite curiosity, inspire empathy, and kindle a love for tech in your child’s everyday life. Embark on this AI adventure today.

This deal is good on July 11, 2023


Our Days ($0.99) by JL LeGerrette: JL LeGerrette shares the dichotomy of the daily joys and frustrations of raising children, often wrapped in hilarity. This soothing bedtime read is fun, cute, and loving. Children will feel their importance and the deep love that we have for them. “Our Days” is great for 1st-time readers, and a wonderful book to read to babies and toddlers also.

This deal is good on July 11, 2023


The Dreaded Cliff ($0.99) by Terry Nichols: “Terry Nichols raises big questions in a story that stirs, enchants, and amuses – sometimes all at once.” – Uma Krishnaswami. | A tale of sparkly treasures, mangled words, peculiar meetings, and a packrat who discovers the meaning of family and home.

This deal is good on July 11, 2023

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