Soul of Jubie Walker and Charani’s Gift: Discounted Historical Fiction eBooks
Soul of Jubie Walker ($2.99) by D. Davidson: If a soul goes on forever, then, in theory, life never truly ends. Does history affect our present life? So many people question the existence of heaven and hell. Could there be another answer to “What happens to our soul after we die?” In the present day, a fifteen-year-old boy seems haunted by the spirit of a dead American soldier. Why?
This deal is good on May 31, 2023
Charani’s Gift ($0.99) by Robert Nolin: Magic and science meet on the plains of Missouri, 1898, when two psychiatrists encounter a gypsy trance speaker who seems possessed…or psychic. Based on real events, Charani’s Gift reimagines the western frontier as the borderland between science and magic.
This deal is good on May 31, 2023
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