Ghosts of Mars, God’s Heart for Me, and The Sparkly Bun: Discounted Children’s eBooks
The Sparkly Bun ($2.99) by Keith Stoeckeler & Lana Lee: In a world where fitting in is the norm, “The Sparkly Bun” shows children the importance of being true to oneself. With charming illustrations and a heartwarming story, “The Sparkly Bun” is the perfect addition to any child’s library.
This deal is good on May 18, 2023
Ghosts of Mars: The Adventures of Eva Knight ($3.73) by Stuart White: Eva Knight (13) is the first Martianborn human, and she hates it! Fame, T1 diabetes and a sarcastic AI companion haunt her, but when her Dad goes missing on the red planet, she must overcome the ‘ghosts of Mars’ to save him. The Martian for Middle-Grade readers!
This deal is good on May 18, 2023
God’s Heart for Me ($2.99) by Paul Amico: In God’s Heart for Me, follow the story of a young boy named Alex who discovers that no matter where he goes or what he does, God’s love is always present. Through fun illustrations and relatable storytelling, children will be inspired to see the world with new eyes and appreciate the love God has for them.
This deal is good on May 18, 2023
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