The Black Cat Who Only Wanted to be Loved, The ABC of French Desserts, and Looking for a Leprechaun: Discounted Children’s eBooks
The Black Cat Who Only Wanted to be Loved ($0.99) by Rosa Silva: Can little Pepper find a new family? Abandoned by his owner because black cats mean bad luck, little Pepper must go on a journey of self-discovery. Will the little black cat embrace his own identity, or will he change the color of his fur to find a family that will love him? A touching and inspiring story about the power of friendship and the importance of acceptance and self-love.
This deal is good on May 4, 2023
The ABC of French Desserts ($0.99) by Marie Quetil: This alphabet eBook is a colorful and simple introduction to the world of French desserts for children of all ages (and grownups!).
This deal is good on May 4, 2023
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