Finding Earth and Animal Talk: Discounted Children’s eBooks

Finding Earth ($2.99) by David Cygnus: Embark on an adventure flying over the freezing mountains of Pluto, the rings of Saturn, the sulfur volcanoes of Io, and many other astounding destinations. Filled with realistic images from our solar system, this picture book is the perfect way to experience the beauty and grandeur of space that is sure to spark the imagination of young readers.

This deal is good on April 26, 2023


Animal Talk: Sounds Animals Make ($1.99) by Miss Browne: “Animal Talk” is a fantastic resource for parents looking to engage their young children in an entertaining and interactive way while teaching them about the different sounds animals make. It’s crucial to make the experience fun and engaging by actively participating with your child and making it a playful activity. Enjoy this book with your child, and watch them learn and have fun!

This deal is good on April 26, 2023


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