Dinosaurs Like Bananas Too! and Lime Green Ghost: Discounted Children’s eBooks
Dinosaurs Like Bananas Too!: The Adventures of Logan and T-Rex ($3.99) by Erin Ciaravino: A little boy, Logan, wishes for a day of fun when he hears a mysterious roar from under the bed. Follow along as his wish is granted when he meets a new dinosaur friend and the two set out for a day of adventure. Who will they meet? What fun is in store for the new friends? When you are open to adventure, there are lots of new things to try!
This deal is good on March 8, 2023
Lime Green Ghost (Halloween Adventures Book 1) ($0.99) by Tevin Hansen: Will Trix and her friends survive Halloween night? Or will they be whisked off to the Elementary School of Evil? The Middle School of Malice? Or the High School of Horror?
Ooh went the wind… and out went the lights… Then out came the ghost on Halloween night!
This deal is good on March 8, 2023
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