Black Beauty, Ann, der Ankylosaurus, and My First Trip to Japan: Discounted Children’s eBooks

Black Beauty (Illustrated & Annotated) on KindleBlack Beauty (Illustrated & Annotated) on Kindle

Black Beauty (Illustrated & Annotated) ($1.99) by Anna Sewell: Discover 33 exclusive color illustrations and stories of bravery, empathy, and perseverance in this lovingly updated edition of cherished children’s classic Black Beauty, by Anna Sewell. Learn about the author, the book’s history, themes and impact, and the important work of charity World Horse Welfare in the new introduction by Leonora Teale.

This deal is good on February 24, 2023


Ann, der Ankylosaurus (Bilingual Edition: German/English) on KindleAnn, der Ankylosaurus (Bilingual Edition: German/English) on Kindle

Ann, der Ankylosaurus (Bilingual Edition: German/English) ($2.99) by Bridget N. Icefield: Follow “Ann, the Ankylosaurus” as she tracks down her herd. Bilingual Version: English/German. Simple sentences and graphics help your child concentrate on the words to read, enabling them to finish this book with little to no help. This book will provide a fun approach for your emerging reader to practice sight words.

This deal is good on February 24, 2023


My First Trip to Japan: Bilingual Japanese-English Children's Book on KindleMy First Trip to Japan: Bilingual Japanese-English Children's Book on Kindle

My First Trip to Japan: Bilingual Japanese-English Children’s Book ($2.99) by Yeonsil Yoo: My First Trip to Japan is a fun Japanese-English bilingual book that inspires us to explore Japan, make new friends, and never be afraid to try new experiences. This adorable, short story will share valuable lessons about embracing the fear of new experiences and connecting with our own roots. Perfect for ages 4-7 or Japanese beginners.

This deal is good on February 24, 2023


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