Blue Torches, Inclusion, and Fixing You: Discounted Young Adult eBooks
Journey to the Hopewell Star ($0.99) by Hannah D. State: A mysterious star could bring stability to her world…or lead her to a blistering end. Quiet and introverted twelve-year-old Sam Sanderson is comfortable living a simple life on her family’s peaceful farm. That is, until a mysterious visitor arrives one night, thrusting her on a formidable and dangerous journey across galaxies.
This deal is good on February 8, 2023
Fix You ($0.99) by JC Doan: Rynn Lewis was eighteen and pregnant, on the run from her ex-boyfriend, when Cade found her on the streets of Minneapolis. She taught him about friendship and family. She kept him honest and he promised to keep her safe… He lied.
This deal is good on February 8, 2023
At Home on Manny’s Acres: A Place of Inclusion ($0.99) by Bonnie L. Boyles: Foster care, immigrants, children, mystery. Manny was a foster child himself. Now he has a farm and provides a loving, stable home for Maria. She is placed in care when her illegal parents are deported. What happened to her parents-her sister, Aunt Ana? Manny helps unravel the mystery. Manny loves children. Maria, Suzy, Oliver, Joey and many more.
This deal is good on February 8, 2023
The Blue of Torches: Ignited ($0.99) by C. R. Kelchner: A psychological drama at the London 2012 Olympics.
This deal is good on February 8, 2023
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