Life Skills, Your Goals, Corporate Ladder, and More: Discounted Nonfiction eBooks
Stretching Exercises for Seniors 60+ ($0.99) by Steve Donovan: Are you looking to improve flexibility, decrease stiffness, and relieve back pain once and for all? Are you looking for simple exercises that you can do even if your balance and mobility are bad? “Stretching Exercises for Seniors 60+” by Steve Donovan gives you exactly what you need!
This deal is good on January 13, 2023
Discover Life Skills for Teens and Young Adults ($2.99) by Valli Quaintance: Discover Life Skills for Teens and Young Adults is the ultimate guide for teens and young adults to make it in the real world. This book is packed with valuable, accessible advice that you can start using today. Readers will gain crucial knowledge in life skills, from communication to job-hunting to choosing a college and saving money.
This deal is good on January 13, 2023
Climbing The Corporate Ladder with Speed ($0.99) by Fene Osakwe: This book is my way of trying to help others “climb” faster than I did. It answers questions like – How do you pick a career path? How do you move from entry level to middle management, senior management and executive management at the highest levels? What skills are required at each level? What are the techniques for job searching? How do you go from obscurity to Thought Leader?
This deal is good on January 13, 2023
Jump-Start Your Career: Ten Tips to Get You Going ($0.99) by Chris Fontanella: “How do you want to invest the next forty years of your career?” While work is not life, it can be rewarding and noteworthy—even a calling. Learn how to identify the overarching theme that gives your life meaning, map out your career by finding your “area of exploration”, and concentrate more on getting the job done and less on getting credit.
This deal is good on January 13, 2023
Empower Your Momentum: Develop a Rapid Action Mindset to Streamline Your Potential, Get Massive Results, and Stay Disciplined Towards Your Goals! ($0.99) by Scott Allan: Empower Your Momentum is the no-holds-barred approach to taking massive action to optimize results in your life. This system teaches learners and mindset builders how to take immediate action when confronted with the fear of failure, rejection, and analysis paralysis, in order to build momentum, crush fear and develop greatness.
This deal is good on January 13, 2023
The Sign of Jonah: A Story of Hope and Miracles ($4.99) by Sylvia Marie Arismendez: Ever wonder if God still performs miracles today? This true account of Baby Jonah will leave you without a doubt that God is still at work today. This book will not only give you hope, but will provide you with a new sense of direction and fulfillment. Every life is a gift. Including yours.
This deal is good on January 13, 2023
Confounded by Immigration: Immigration From a Biblical Perspective ($4.99) by Bonnie L Boyles: This is a multicultural educational tool for those who want to know more about immigration. It explodes with Biblical perspective and contains chapters that leave you wanting to do more in this immigration conundrum. Immigration is understandable.
This deal is good on January 13, 2023
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