Elizabeth and The Orange Tree: Discounted Young Adult eBooks
Elizabeth: Part 1 ($3.99) by Dallin Newell: Elizabeth is a talking kangaroo whose origins are a complete mystery to her and Mel, the man who found her abandoned and adopted her. On top of aspirations and desires to head off on her own, she enlists the help of Mel’s son, Calvin, and begins her perilous journey of self-discovery. Mel’s boss, Andrew, chases after her to exploit her for money.
This deal is good on January 6, 2023
The Orange Tree ($1.99) by Carol Riggs: Raised by hulking ogres, fifteen-year-old Juniper longs to meet another human. But when an attractive boy becomes trapped on ogre lands, she must find a way to free him before the peace pact between ogres and humans is shattered and the slaughter of villagers begins.
This deal is good on January 6, 2023
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